Mission Statement

Cnoc Mhuire is a Voluntary Catholic Secondary School under the Trusteeship of CEIST.We are committed to creating a learning environment which is Christian in outlook and which emphasises the holistic development of our pupils.  We respect the dignity of each person with his/her unique background, ability, tradition and beliefs, giving particular attention to the disadvantaged.

We, as a staff, in collaboration with parents, try to communicate and foster values which will help young people to mature as Christian adults and develop a sense of responsibility towards church, society and the environment.

At Cnoc Mhuire, therefore, we aim to:

  • Provide a secure and disciplined atmosphere in which pupils can mature through positive affirmation to develop self confidence and self discipline.
  • Foster respectful attitudes and behaviour and promote a caring awareness of the environment.
  • Enable pupils to achieve academic potential according to their academic abilities and aptitudes.
  • Establish positive, co-operative relationships among pupils, parents and teachers.
  • Guide pupils to use their time and talents in a way that develops their social formation and contributes to the good of others.
  • Encourage pupils to be actively involved in the academic, prayer, recreational, civic and political life of the school and in the responsibilities entrusted to them.
  • Be proactive in the use of technology and progressive in modernising our teaching programmes.