What is Transition Year?
Transition Year is a valuable optional one year educational experience for students. Transition Year students need to be suitable for the programme in order to benefit from and contribute to the shared learning experience of the group. Transition Year is available to students who have completed their Junior Cycle education. It aims to help young people to mature and to facilitate the transition to senior cycle.
It is a broad programme that includes traditional academic subjects, careers education, work experience and social development. It helps students consider their own aptitudes and abilities and to reflect on their future educational and work choices in a year free from the pressures of examinations. Work experience is an important component of TY.
- Enable students to take a greater responsibility for their own learning and decision making;
- To give students a wide range of experiences and skills in education;
- To develop students self-confidence and social skills to foster a greater awareness of adult and working life;
- To allow students to be capable of working on their own initiative.
Admission to Transition Year
Application for enrolment into Transition Year (Post-Junior Cycle) is made in March- April. Prospective candidates may be interviewed to determine suitability. The application form is digital.
Physical Education Module
The aim of the TY programme is to empower students to take responsibility for their own health and physical well-being. The programme gives students confidence to make choices which will help them lead a healthy life and positively~ respond to the challenges they encounter.
Activities vary from year to year and include Pitch and Putt, Swimming, Astra Turf, Gymnastics, Longford Tennis Club, Yoga, Self defense, rugby, GAA Coaching, Team Challenges, Games, Outdoor Pursuits, Personal Challenges. TY’s organise and run an orienteering event for 2nd years in Derrycassin Woods.
Modern Foreign Languages
MFL aims to learn, revise and build on grammar, learn new vocabulary and to expand on cultural awareness in French/ Spanish/ German. European Languages Day and Language Connect are incorporated into the modules. Project work, mock orals and written assessments are used to monitor progress. The four linguistic skills of reading, speaking, writing and listening are developed during this year. Project work, mock orals and written assessments are used to monitor progress. Trips are organised which incorporate workshops and language sessions. In 2023, a module on Beginner’s German was introduced. In Jan 2025, our students will participate in a French exchange with East rouen, the town twinned with Granard.
Development of skills allows great experimentation and pupil creativity in selection, development and presentation of dishes. Core areas include: Festive cookery, product development, recipe book project, organic food, food science and hygiene certificate course is also followed. Aspects of Horticulture are also studied the school purchased a polytunnel in 2023.
The Transition Year Irish programme focuses on the constant improvement of oral skills including an oral Irish examination. The students also get to learn about Irish culture and folklore and play an active part in ‘Seachtain na Gaeilge’.
Students study local environment and global environment. Group project work, practical work, paired work are all engaged in during the course. Pupils take part in National Competitions such as agri-aware and young environment award. Links with Leaving Cert Geography and History projects are incorporated into course.
Incorporates design, skill development, knowledge of materials. A module on solid works is done which links directly with Leaving Cert Technical Graphics.
Includes development of performing skills such as guitar lessons, singing and workshops take place during the year.
Media/ Photography
The course is designed to provide students with a basic understanding of fundamental
visual concepts in photography. It focuses on applying these concepts to capture
compelling and well-composed images, thereby enhancing their skills and
understanding of the art of photography.Students learn how to take photographs, film school activities and are involved in the production of Feach, our annual school magazine. Introduction to Computer Skills is studied in Media and introduction to Film.
TY pupils helped with raising money for various charities both local and national.
Visiting Speakers
Speakers are invited into school to speak with TY classes and speakers vary from year to year. Eg Reptiles Heaven/Longford Enterprise Board, Local factory owners, Garda community officer, RSA etc.
Competitions, Projects and Trips
Every year students take part in varied external competitions, trips and projects, e.g. Battle of the Wits competition, An Gaisce Presidents awards, Credit Union Quiz, Graduate awards, Public Speaking, Outdoor Pursuits, Ice skating, The Gaeltacht, Backstage Theatre, etc
Assessment and Evaluation
Project work, written tests, oral tests, E- portfolios, worksheets, exhibitions are used throughout the programme to assess the students’ progress. The E-Portfolio is accessed through google sites and students work on it throughout the academic year. The ePortfolio is worth 100 credits. It is weighted heavily as it is a continuous assessment activity. The students should engage with it weekly as part of their homework. Reports are published on VsWare at Christmas and Summer. The programme is regularly reviewed and evaluated by individual teachers, the programme co-ordinator and SMT. Students provide feedback by filling in evaluation forms. A Credit system is used for assessing TY modules.
The school certifies students on completion of the programme based on their monitoring of students participation, enthusiasm, commitment, attendance and progress throughout the year. In addition externally certified courses are offered during TY, e.g. First Aid, Drivign School, GAA coacning, Future Leaders etc
An NCCA national study found those who had done TY “were more likely to retain subjects at higher level for leaving cert” than others. TY students do better by an average of 26 points than those who do not do TY at senior level. Research shows that students who have taken the TY programme are more self-reliant learners when they enter third level education than their peers.
There was consensus that TY promotes young people’s confidence, improves bonds between classmates and facilitates better relationships between students and teachers. Opportunities to explore adult and working life through work experience are seen as distinct benefits of TY. Students highlighted TY activities that involve learning beyond the conventional classroom. Many of the teachers indicated that TY has a positive impact on school climate, suggesting that TY can be effective in bringing changes in student’s attitudes and school culture at senior level. Please click on the link below for the updated TY Programme statement from the Department of Education and Science that comes into effect in Sept 2024.