Counselling Service

The department of Education and Science defines a school guidance programme as a range of interventions and activities provided by the school on a developmental basis. These are designed to assist students to make decisions of an educational, career and personal/social nature.

Reasons for Guidance and Counselling

In our lives we need to make significant decisions in three key areas:

  1. Personal and Social
  2. Educational
  3. Career

Student contact occurs in the following ways:

In class groups

  • Careers Education
  • Vocational Preparation
  • Subject Choices
  • Guest Speakers
  • Assessment/Aptitude testing
  • Career Interest Testing
  • Application to colleges
  • Funding for 3rd Level
  • Interview Preparation
  • Study Skills
  • individual meetings with students

Individual Student Request

  1. Referral by Teacher
  2. Parent Request
  3. Invitation from Guidance Counsellor


Out of School Activities

  1. Careers Exhibitions
  2. College Open Days

Parent contact occurs in the following ways:

  1. Individual Appointments
  2. Parent-Teacher meetings
  3. Information evenings/Parents Association


With the consent of parents, the Guidance Counsellor refers students who need further assessment and support to outside agencies such as NEPS (National Educational Psychological Service)


Career Library (well stocked up-to-date careers library is available to all students)

Use of computers with specialized software for career and course research

Parents are welcome to contact the Guidance Counsellor directly for appointments. This can be done via email on the support section on the school website

What topics can students discuss with the guidance counsellor?

Students are free to discuss any issues they wish to .Topics can include anxiousness over moving to school/ different year/ classes/ worry over many issues/ relationships/ difficulties at home/ bullying/ concern for others / bereavement/ sickness/ pregnancy/ abuse/ addictions/ food/ weight/ sexuality/ needing time to reflect on their thoughts and feelings/want to look at choices or decisions they have to make.

Talking to the Guidance Counsellor does not mean she will give you advice, rather allow you time to reflect and help you see your options in moving forward. This service is confidential unless in serious matters which may involve danger to the student or others, maintaining confidences in these cases cannot be done so for moral and legal reasons.

Click on the link below to view Cnoc Mhuire’s Guidance Plan


Click on the link above to complete a Referral form for Guidance Support or Counselling Support